Starfish PBX aims to be an open source alternative to Digium’s Switchvox. The goal is to have a software equivalent to which we can add additional functionality like :
- Configure additional, non-digium, telephony cards
- Provisioning for wide range of VoIP phones
- Support for additional telephony hardware (ex: chan_mobile).
- Option to chose between different fax implementations (ex: HaylaFax)
- Better support for non-SIP phones (ex: IAX2, SCCP, MGCP)
- Interface I18N
- And why not, possibility to use FreeSwitch as a backend
In order to achieve all this, we need you help !
NOTE: Starfish PBX is in a early development stage right and and not suitable for production use but you’re encouraged to download and test it. We’re opened to your suggestions and questions on the forum and on our irc channel (#starfish-pbx on freenode).